
Safe & Caring Schools

At Red Deer Catholic Regional Schools we are proud to proclaim that our Principles of Practice underline everything we do. The first two statements in our Principles of Practice support our commitment to Safe and Caring Schools:

We honour our children.
We provide a safe and secure environment.

Our schools are places where all students, staff, and parents feel welcome. Our motto, “Inspired by Christ, Aspiring to Excellence” and our Principles of Practice, proudly proclaim that our schools are Christ-filled centres that ensure a satisfactory climate for learning and that we respect each student as a person, unique in God’s creation. 

Our Division has clear administrative procedures outlining the division’s policy on student behaviour and staff discipline procedures (Administrative Procedures #310-314).

Our Division's Education Plan further outlines our commitment to Goal 2 Outcome 2.2 “Schools are safe and caring” and Outcome 2.3. Children at risk have their needs addressed through effective programs and supports. We are serious about ensuring our students feel safe at school and are in a Catholic Christian environment conducive to learning.

Each school has student behaviour expectations specific to the needs of that school to ensure a safe and caring environment. These expectations are listed are also posted in classrooms. Expectations are shared with students at the beginning of each year and are also shared with parents so we can work together to provide all students with the best possible educational experience while in our schools. 

For further information, please contact the school principal.


St. Matthew celebrating 25 years graphic

St. Matthew Catholic School excels in many areas with a well-deserved, strong reputation in the community. We service the spiritual dimension of our students through prayer, liturgies, masses, reconciliation days, retreats, religion classes, charity work and the incorporation of Christ's teachings in all classes. We welcome students of all faiths, or no faiths, but make no secret of the fact that "make Christ known to children." We have a chapel on premises and work in communion with our local parish. We also provide counselling services for our students.

We are very proud of our academic success as measured by the Provincial Achievement Exams. Please check our Annual Education Results Report to see how we perform. There is a prominent focus on the use of technology in all classes, including the use of PowerPoint, smart boards, and Learn Live technology. We also have a special needs program that serves our students from Kindergarten to Grade 8.

In addition to a strong academic base, we offer many other learning opportunities for our students. St. Matthew Catholic School has two computer labs, a band/music room, two science labs, a foods lab with canteen, a construction technology lab, a library, internet service, a video-conferencing suite and a large two-station gymnasium.

Our teams have a long history of success in many sports, and we have a vibrant intramural program that extends from elementary through Grade 8. Two award-winning programs that we offer for the physical development of our students are an Ever Active family fitness and a platinum-level, daily physical education program.

In the arts, we have a strong band and music program that starts in Kindergarten and we are proud to announce the beginning of a curricular and dramatic arts program. We have three major charity drives throughout the year - Terry Fox Run in the fall, Operation Christmas Child in the winter and a fundraiser for a local charity every Lenten season. We encourage all students to become involved in charitable work and we often lead the school division and the province in the amount of money raised in these projects.

As professionals, our teachers and support staff seek to continuously improve. Staff create yearly growth plans to improve their professional and spiritual lives. Grades 4 to 8 provide progress reports between reporting periods to foster communication. Grades 1 to 8 also have agendas that go home daily with teachers and parents to keep communication open. We have an active school-based mentorship program for new teachers to help ensure quality instruction immediately.