Principal's Message

A Summer Blessing

Wow, the year has seemed to pass so quickly and it is amazing how many wonderful opportunities we have had as a school community to celebrate the wonderful gifts God has given to us.  From Farm Days, Band Concerts, Field Trips, Sporting events, Adoration, Masses, year end field trips,  and the addition of more classrooms we have had many opportunities to witness our school community come together sharing our gifts, and reflecting the Division theme “Inspired by Christ on a Journey to Encounter, Nurture and Serve!”

We encourage you to come and visit the school, have a tour meet some staff if you are looking to register or are new to town.  We would love the chance to show off our school, our students and our staff.  Thank you for our many blessings this year and we are looking forward to finishing the year up and preparing for our final assessments as we journey towards the end of a wonderful year.  This is also an opportunity to bid farewell to an incredible group of Grade 8 students who have left a very positive legacy at our school. We wish you all the best as you journey forward to St. Dominics and may you always be thankful for the memories that St. Matthew has provided for you.  We encourage our community to take the opportunities throughout the summer to refresh and reconnect with our families.

A Summer Blessing

May you walk with God

This summer

In whatever you do

Wherever you go

Walking with God means...

Walking with honesty

And with courage,

Walking with love

And respect

And concern for the feelings of others

May you talk to God

This summer

And every day and 

In every situation

Talking with God means...

Praying words of praise

For the beauty of creation

Saying prayers of thanks

For friends and good times,

Asking God's help

In all your decisions

Expressing sorrow

When you have failed

May you talk with God

Every day


RDCRS Division Theme Poster

Dear Parents, Guardians, and Students,

September is such an exciting time for us, welcome to a new school year and a new beginning. The staff is so excited to meet our new students and welcome all parents and students back.  It is our goal to be the light for our children and each other during this school year’s journey.  

St. Matthew Catholic School is a Pre K to 8 community of lifelong learners with Catholic education as our purpose.  Our school and staff are committed to developing the full potential of every child.  The staff here at St. Matthew looks forward to providing a positive, safe, and caring environment, where all are welcome, and respected.  We are also excited about the coming school year that promises new opportunities for learning and growing in our Faith.

Our division theme this year is Inspired by Christ on a Journey to Encounter, Nurture and Serve.” 

I wish to welcome our staff, our parents and students to our school community as we continue on our journey, and I would like to welcome all our new families to St. Matthew School. It is an honor and privilege to be able to serve the community of St. Matthew School and I look forward to another great year!

God Bless,

Teresa Johnson

Prayer for the Beginning of the New School Year 

Dear Lord, as we begin this new school year, we gather 

once again as your community of believers. 

We thank you for the energy and the spirit that you renewed 

in us through the summer months. 

We thank you for the time to enjoy our family and 

friends and to reflect on what is important in our lives. 

Let this year be marked by enthusiasm and love so that, 

with the inspiration of your Spirit, we may continue 

to grow in our faith. 

Help us to fulfill Your hope for us with honest intentions 

and works of faith. 

Let us be gentle with ourselves and bring laughter, joy 

and love for others. 

We ask this in your name. Amen.